The aim of the INITIATE training program is to train 13 young scientists addressing challenging scientific questions about processes at the interface between the solid Earth and the hydrosphere. Participants will be trained to develop an advanced understanding of data analysis and numerical modelling relevant to the Earth Sciences. We strive to educate a new generation of Earth Data and Modelling Scientists that are attractive to both the academic and non-academic environment. To achieve this, we designed an interdisciplinary, intersectorial, and international training programme. Each DC will anchor their training in their PCDP in order to tailor their training and will follow the rules of their assigned doctoral school. All DC will follow training-through-research combining the local doctoral schools, network wide activities including mandatory secondments at academic and non-academic partners institutions, and Summer Schools and courses as well as international conferences. Training acquired during the events can be used as credits in the DC doctoral schools.
- TRAIN 1 (Bergen University; 9 days) will include theoretical training in Entrepreneurship, Diversity and Environmental impact of research as well as 3D subsurface mapping of sedimentary basins at partner’s seismic imaging facilities.
- TRAIN 2 (Potsdam University; 5 days) will include training in data-management in communication, dissemination, and outreach principles and practice.
- TRAIN 3 (Bergen University; 5 days) will include practical training in Entrepreneurship with a start-up business case studies related to their individual research projects.
- SUMMER SCHOOL 1 (Southern Pyrenees Foreland; 16 days) will take advantage of the exceptional exposure of rocks in the South-Central Pyrenees, the available subsurface and remote sensing datasets as well as the facilities and mapping datasets of the partner Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya. It will include an introduction to the geology of the area, group projects in geohazards in mountain areas, play-based exploration for a sedimentary basin targeting geo-resources or for geological storage, and study of the geological record to unravel the response of the solid Earth to past climate changes and outreach in the framework of the UNESCO Geopark Orìgens.
- SUMMER SCHOOL 2 (Corinth Rift; 14 days) will utilize an extensive dataset including outcrop sedimentological and structural observations, high-resolution digital elevation models, 2D seismic data and borehole core from the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 381. It will investigate tectonic and surface processes at a range of temporal and spatial scales in both forefront research questions and applications to societal and industry problems.
- SUMMER SCHOOL 3 (Andes Foreland; 14 days) will finalize the training in the Andes, an active mountain belt where surface processes and their relationships with climate are very prominent. It will include a new common project assess natural hazards by field characterization and data collection through UAVs, modelling of the evolution of intramontane basins and assessing of associated geological resources, and training in dissemination of the results to a wide public audience.